Monday, May 19, 2008

Breath Control

Breath Control Treatment

Bad breath is a concern to all of us at some time. Many people believe that oral malodor (bad breath) comes from the stomach, but most commonly the source of bad breath is the crevices deep in the back of the tongue.

Bad breath can also originate in the periodontal pockets. Naturally occurring bacteria thrive in these hidden areas and form odorous volatile sulfur compound (VSC’s). The VSC's have a strong unpleasant smell of rotten eggs.

Routine dental cleanings and examinations enable dentists to help you maintain long-lasting fresh breath along with your healthy teeth and gums. All of us suffer from bad breath on from time to time, but chronic bad breath can be is usually from more serious problems. If you have concerns about your breath, do not hesitate to ask your dentist to help you take control of this sensitive issue.